Click for tips be more mindful this quarter. ✨
Library De-Stress Publication
Happy Wednesday! We hope you're hanging in there as you cross the halfway mark of the quarter. Enjoy a moment of pause and take in the present moment. Maybe enjoy a fun puzzle or coloring page below. The world is changing and we are so proud of your resilience and ability to adapt. Look forward to our issue next month for something delicious...
Every other Wednesday, we will be sharing tips and activities to help you de-stress and center yourself, regardless of where you are studying from.

Publications, new and old, and upcoming virtual activities are available on our webpage.
Keep up with the latest UC San Diego Library news and information via our E-newsletter.
Just in time for midterms, 29 additional individual study seats on BLB’s 2nd floor are now available for reservation! All the seats remain physically distanced. Additionally, the number of reservations allowed each day has been increased to two per user.
These additional seats have no power outlets, so self-serve portable power-packs are available from the BLB Front Desk. Pick up a pack when you arrive, and return it to the adjacent bin at the desk as you leave. The packs are not to leave the building. 
Not on campus? Join the Library's Virtual Study Rooms during Weeks 4-7!
Invite positive energy into your day with this coloring page! Click the image on the left to download the coloring sheet created by a Library student employee.

Upload your artistic masterpieces to social media and tag us @ucsdgeisel on Facebook or @ucsdlibrary on Instagram.
We have a second coloring page this week as well to get you through hump day! Click the image on the right to download it.
Click image to download the puzzle. Answers will be in the next issue.
Even though the county is slowly opening again, use this word search to remind yourself of things to continue doing to keep everyone safe. 😷
Follow CDC Guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Challenge yourself with a new puzzle, Hashiwokakero, and appreciate the calming koi imagery. 🌊
Music festivals may be put on hold this year, but the Library encourages you to hold your own “festival” from the comfort of your home with the Library's music streaming databases. Enjoy the chill, jazzy music of Lib-chella 2021 by putting on your comfiest loungewear and relaxing in your favorite spot. 

CAPS offers an adaptive workshop that teaches holistic skills for wellbeing such as gentle yoga, breathing exercises,
mindfulness, meditation, traditional wisdom about food and nature, and encouragement for students to reclaim their own traditional wellness practices.


Click to see more details

When you're feeling anxious and overwhelmed, it's alright to take a break - even if it's for a few minutes. The key is to recognize when you need to step away. During that break, try to use the time to completely reset. Avoid looking at you phone, reading, or watching TV. Instead, take this time to be in the present moment.
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